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07 October 2006

Hentai Fighters

Hentai Fighters

The sequel to V.G. Max, an all-girls Hentai (i.e. adult content) anime 2D fighting game developed by Ton Tan Nerw/Giga. The game, like most Giga titles for Windows, is a direct port of the PC-9801 title (PC-9801 was a Japanese home computer made by NEC). The plot is as negligible as other fighting games: your job is to defeat all your 9 opponents and proceed to the next stage. For every girl fighter you defeat, you will be treated to pictures of them in provocative poses before the next challenge.


Comments on "Hentai Fighters"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11/21/2006 7:52 AM) : 

File is deleted , mail me new link


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