Hitman 3: Contracts
download: http://rapidshare.com/files/1646502/Hi3Co.part1.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/1646501/Hi3Co.part2.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/1646490/Hi3Co.part3.rar password: HAL2006 ----------------- |
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Comments on "Hitman 3: Contracts"
hola... exelente tu blog... te felicito por birndar este sevicio..
me presento soy manuel de san justo santa fe.
te comento que tuve un inconveniente con el juego Hitman 3: Contracts, mas presisamente con al contraseƱa para descomprimirlo.
HAL2006. fijate si esta bien o decime porque me da error.
te dejo mi e-mial.
manalesan@hotmail.com o manalesan@yahoo.com.ar
Hi you! Well good thing I learned myself some spanish ^^ hehe...
Well it's windows who is f*cking up, so what you have to do is, to rename the file .bat, so the file would be:
Install.bat instead of Install.exe